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Old 08-24-2004, 05:21 PM
marlboro man marlboro man is offline
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Yea, I read that FAQ before I bought my anemone. It was really helpful.

But when I bought the white flat purple tip from my LFS, they told me that this sp. of anemone comes white and it does not require bright MH.

I have a 25G long tank with a 20G refugium.
Use LR and LS for filtration, have about 50-60lbs of LR and 60lbs of LS.
The tank cycled in a week and it is about 2 months old now.

I have a 130W Coralife PC light running on my 25G main tank.
One 10,000K and one Actinic.

Should I change the Actinic bulb to 10,000K to max my lighting?
I was thinking about getting another cheap 'n small flourescent fixture to run the Actinic instead.
Is the Actinic specturum important to a reef or just to provide a sun-rise/set effect?
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