Originally Posted by 1eyedjyde
I have been running the brs dual reactor for around 2 years without issues, I do recommend ensuring the sponges are tight to the carbon cause if you increase the flow to tumble the gfo it is too much for the carbon. As far as the quick connects leaking you need to seat them by pushing them in firmly and then pulling back on them. Similar tubing and connectors are used on commercial air brake systems, so they should be reliable.
Trust me, I've done this many times. Once I get the reactors back in the sump, i can usually fiddle with the connectors to stop or minimize the leaking. My fiance has tried as well with no improvement. I'll move the sponge on the carbon next change and see if that helps. Thanks for the tip.
Originally Posted by LoJack
I had read a lot of people having the same issues. This is why I went with the deluxe. Better built, higher quality fittings. I haven't had any issues (knock on wood) and mine has never leaked or not sealed properly.
Nice when equipment works well.