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Old 01-26-2014, 05:41 PM
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mike31154 mike31154 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
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mike31154 will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by Proteus View Post
I would like a like button for liking post
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but you can "add to a person's reputation" by clicking on the little scale of justice icon, top right corner of any post. This causes the green button count to increase in number/value depending on the number of reputation clicks a person gets. Most of us are mere mortals 'on a distinguished road'. A certain mod has way too many green lights, not sure how that happened . He is superhuman.....or a diamond in the rough... words to that effect...

I'll even fix you up with a click for bringing up the subject.

EDIT: While on the subject, perhaps a method of accessing reputation info for members themselves might not be a bad idea. I've had a quick look & other than the pop up I get when hovering over my own 'green' button, there appears no way of knowing who has contributed to my reputation & what the associated comments were. Also no way of reviewing the comments I've made when adding to another member's reputation.
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Last edited by mike31154; 01-26-2014 at 05:52 PM.
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