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Old 01-25-2014, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Torx View Post
So red is + and black is - on the ALC. Pretty typical, but you never know if a company switches up the wire colors. I can easily make one of these for someone if the demand is there.

What about the APC? The APC probably would be the better unit to use.
Honestly? I'm not sure about that at all. The ALC module has a 0-10v controller. The MLC modules all use 0-10v 2 pin hookups to work as far as I know. Both of these modules are far more widely owned by a lot of RKL and RKE owners than the rare APC.

The APC modules are, to date, designed to work only with Tunze powerheads and my impression is that it is not very widely owned as a result. For example, I have never, ever, seen a used one for sale.

While the APC module could work, the cost of these modules is the giveaway. To buy a MLC just for powerhead control of the Jebao WP line would be about ~$75. To buy an APC for powerhead control is $135. Anybody who owns one already owns a Tunze -- that's why they bought it; it has no other function.

I think a WP control cable rigged to work with the Molex Microfit 3.0 connectors would be FAR more popular. Plus, the RKL head unit is limited in the number of modules it can support at a max of 4. A power bar counts as a module against this limit. Most RKL owners have 1 or 2 PC4 power bars and a SL1. They have one module free. Most get the ALC or MLC light modules -- not an APC.

The fact that a RKL owner could use an ALC or MLC to control pumps (as well as Sols or Moonlights, respectively) would be attractive as hell. A Kessil owner could use the MLC to control both the Kessil lights and the WP powerheads while still being within the module limit of the RKL.

Last edited by Steel_Wind; 01-25-2014 at 04:23 PM.
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