Originally Posted by Torx
k...first coffee in the system.
Pretty sure the ALC module uses these, they look like 2 pin molex, but I do not know anyone who has a RKL/RKE to confirm.

Yes and No.
there IS a two pin 0-10v connector on the ALC and MLC controllers based upon a small 2 pin molex.
The relevant Reefkeeper module for pump control, for what it is worth is the APC controller (Automatic Pump Controller, not the ALC = Automatic Light Controller). Though yes, the ALC does have a two pin style connector that can 0-10v and is a FAR more common module among RK owners.
The APC module has 4 connectors to control the Tunze line of pupmp based upon a RJ11 connector. The APC module is intended to control the Tunze line of powerheads. I know that people have used Cat5 as an underlying cable without problem though if modified properly to terminate in RJ11.
bus cables are also based upon a RJ11 jack, though the pin out is different from a std phone cable, on that I am 100% certain.
I would predict that if you can modify your cable for use with a Reefkeeper APC? Or the 0-10v connector on an ALC, you could sell a LOT of these cables!