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Old 01-24-2014, 08:12 PM
GROPP GROPP is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Chilliwack B.C
Posts: 5
GROPP is on a distinguished road

[quote=magikof7;875677]I understand the need for QT BUT Mandarins have a very thick slime coat and are very resistant to disease. You might want to consider just putting him in your Display. Do some research on your own on that. I put my guy in my 29 gal right away because they can be hard to get to eat I figured the less stress the better and the chances of disease was very low.
Before anyone jumps all over me for not QT-ing fish. I do with all any new fish. I have some in qt right now but Mandarins are a little different. I did a lot of research before getting one and decided the chances of him dying in qt were higher than the risk of any disease.

..."I didn't do anything to get my mandarin to eat frozen,(not intentionally anyway.)


Mine eats mysis, flakes, pellets, even small pieces of Nori, been in my tank going on 5 months now, He eats pods all day long but when I feed he always eats a bit of everything. I do feed pretty heavy for all my tangs though, and I do have a scooter blenny in the tank for over a year that eats everything too, maybe he learnt from him...
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