Thread: Toronto LFS?
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Old 01-22-2014, 03:37 PM
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hunggi74 hunggi74 is offline
LOVES STAR WARS... mostly Ewoks and Porgs.
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Richmond, BC
Posts: 359
hunggi74 is on a distinguished road

That guy in the Niagra region with the Acans that are out of this world, right? Everytime he puts up pics I bring out my kid's drool rag for myself

Taipan, I will definitely take you up on that offer for a guided tour! Better to go around with someone who knows the area. I'm from Vancouver and we have nothing like your freeway systems there...

Really? I can pack the corals in my checked luggage?? There goes all my spending money for the trip...

I'm just a little excited now
Illuminata 57gallon rimless <-- this is a lie!
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