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Old 01-22-2014, 02:16 PM
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Spyd Spyd is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Kitchener, ON
Posts: 188
Spyd is on a distinguished road

I completely agree. Once it feels far more of a chore to run your tank than a hobby, then it is time to cash it in and take a break.

I am sure some day down the road, I will get to that point. For me, I have young kids that are in bed by 7pm and I have lots of time to burn in the evenings. So the hobby is great for my lifestyle right now and I am totally into it. Once the kids start going to bed at 9, are in hockey, dance, etc every night then I am sure my routine will slack and I will get to a point where it is not worth it anymore.

I have been fortunate to not experience any crashes. It may happen sometime though... All it takes is a failed pump, extended power outage, etc. But that is the risk you take in this hobby because the reward can be great.

Best of luck and you just have to decide to get out of buckle down and get to work. Run GFO, replace faulty equipment and keep up on water changes and your tank will be back with time.
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