Hi neoh, don't give up, I have been in this hobby for over 40 years, never thought about giving up at all, its all about simplicity at times, don't get too high tech in all the equipment's but keep it the kiss rule, keep it simple stupid rule. If you can't keep certain corals, move on, it just means it takes more care. Stay with something that is simple, for that it would give you the most satisfaction. Envy those who has difficult tank, they are just more dedicated to them. It takes time and patience, if you don't have that then you need simple easy care stock. If you don't have the time or dedication to pay attention to extreme water quality for more delicate creatures, then keep less hardy stock. I seen many tanks that are extremely beautiful, but those hobbyist spend countless time and money to make what it is, if you don't want to break the bank keep it simple and you will be in this hobby as long as I have, I hope this will encourage you to stick with it, I talk to many hobbyist that are just in the verge of quitting and frustrated, and all it takes is a little encouragement to keep you going without hating this hobby, I wish I was closer then I could talk to you, hopefully someone here can be there to support you. regards ken