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Old 01-22-2014, 01:02 AM
Skim Skim is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Brantford,ON.Canada
Posts: 43
Skim is on a distinguished road

Well neoh, I am just planning on getting back into it. I had to tare down my tank when the Girlfriend and I broke up just as it was starting to run smoothly and things started to look real good. The tank has been sitting for about 7Yrs with water and rock in it with some circulation pretty much just as it was put when I moved. I guess the bug has bit again, I remember just sitting in front of the tank and Corals Polyps sticking out softies swaying Fish swimming ya just getting lost. I remember when friends would come over I could leave the room for like 20 min half hour and come back and say so how's it going I would get UH oh sorry I was lost for a min ya more like 20 and kids well you think they where at Disney Land. One kid would make here Mom stop at our place to see the Tank every time they came to see her Grandmother( lived down the hall ) first not after.
I am at the cross roads too, what if I invest all this Money again and fail do I have the time, what if it turns into a big pool of Cyno, red black green pool of muck!

I know this if and when I get things rolling I will be going with the Miracle Mud or Algae Scrubber method something you may want to look into, because the results I have see so far you could have the best Skimmer money could buy and not get results like people are getting with these two methods.

All the best and hope this may be of some inspiration for you.

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