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Old 01-20-2014, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I think there should be some sort of "supporting vendor" option that is more affordable for home-based or smaller businesses. Besides Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver most of the stores are relatively small and the current sponsor fees are too high for the revenue generated.

This is spot on. Why don't you offer two types of sponsorship levels? Have greater perks for the higher fees (i.e. own sub forum, bigger ad in the banner, etc) The amount of small business that are starting up to support the demand of the hobby is growing at a an extremely fast pace. This forum can either keep up with the changing economics of the hobby or it can fall behind and be left in the dust.

We should be trying to support the small businesses trying to make it in this field, not raping them for a ridiculous sponsorship fee that will take months and numerous sales just to recoup the costs.

Whats going to end up happening is you will have businesses sign up for 1 year, get there name out, and then there gone! Doesn't seem very sustainable.

Sponsors bring in people, people bring in sponsors. Don't think I am right? Look at Reef2Reef.
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