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Old 01-19-2014, 05:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Phil
Canreef is a business and exists with help of Vendors
First u need to bring back vendors lowering the fees helps bring new vendors
New vendors from different areas will bring more members
Yes u make less money but with more vendors= more money anyway
Look how many vendor left due to the increasing costs.
Most of the members In Edmonton also left do to the vendors leaving.
(Using Facebook instead)
More vendors = more members = more money
It's sad to say but without vendor canreef will not be here.
Me and reefwars tryed to explain this before and the thread got off topic really quick and got deleted.
I will say it's nice to see Titus on here actually looking at the problem we told u was going to happen.
Phil thanks for the recent PM but there is more to it as I've been wanting to do this for so long for the past 3 years but just haven't had the luxury of getting to it. Enough is enough for me and I just needed to do something this year. The comment about "It's sad to say but without vendor canreef will not be here." is so untrue and it's sad that I see this from time to time. Content and the social experience ranks at the top for me so anything to be built will have these addressed and taken care of first.

Originally Posted by Phil
Last post for the night lol
Let's brake down the vendor lists
Wholesales(don't really count)
Aqua digital
Reef whole sale

Home based
Reef supply's canada
Frag cave
Modular led

Brick and morter
Concepts (onley still he because of Denny)
Reef supplies (go reef)
Pets and ponds

Now let's say I talk to aqua digital I want some tropical marine stuff I get sent to aquarium illusions (non sponsor ) so now I have to switch to Facebook as there on there to talk about a product. (I'm no longer on canreef)
As this grows it's a snow ball effect.
Now let's look at who left

Brick and morter.
Aquarium illusions
Blue world
Marine experience
Marine aquaria

Home based
Snappy (back with concepts but still a lost store)
There's more I can't remember off the top of my head.

And I know your gonna see more leave befor more come back.
I like how you are categorizing them and the experience of how you started on here but landed on Facebook. Never thought of it that way. Thanks as this will help compliment a feature I want to add to the new buy/sell section.

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