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Old 01-17-2014, 11:48 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by Scuba Diver Gal View Post
What an awesome story! I laugh at envisioning 30 fish in a 5g…and how you would be shamed for feeding strictly brine fish (cause there's no nutritional value to it)….fortunately there were no forums around back then
Well we just returned from ordering my son his new tank…Jumping in…hope I still have a husband when this is all said and done
I was eight and naive back then. I trusted the LFS owner. First and last time Now I do my own research before I buy anything. Ask my wife, hehe.

As for the seahorse's diet, I was feeding the brine shrimp powdered baby fish food and also growing phytoplankton cultures on my window sill to feed to the BS before feeding them to the seahorse. I was able to keep my first WC seahorse alive on adult brine shrimp for about a year on that diet, which is not bad considering this was decades before the internet or Canreef or There was also NO mysis shrimp for sale. I was in high school at the time, but nobody really knew much about seahorse husbandry back in the 80s. I was doing what I thought was logical with the resources available.


Last edited by SeaHorse_Fanatic; 01-18-2014 at 12:02 AM.
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