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Old 01-17-2014, 04:40 PM
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Flash Flash is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Edmonton
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Flash is on a distinguished road

did you know that the handle in the bathroom stall you use to lock/unlock the door has the most bacteria on it in the entire bathroom and most cleaning crews do not wipe it down? Did you also know that 90% of the bulk pink/white soap you see contains air born fecal particulates which means you are essentially washing your hands with poop and potentially e-coli?!

Also it's safer to wipe your hands on your pants then use a hand air dryer (yes even the new dyson ones)

(yes this is what I do for a living as a facilities specialist for western canada.. I fix these gross least this is only one part of my job... I also sell Keurig and snacks for company's break-rooms!) lol
Flash - Free Agent

Fb- edmonton fish coral and hardware buy and sell!
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