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Old 01-15-2014, 08:00 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
those couches are prime locations for some serious man-naps. i love the corner tank nestled in there... i had planned something similar once.
The couch and loveseat have 4 (YES FOUR) built in recliners so yes, great for serious man-naps, wife-naps & kid-naps

I love the 2' cube for the corner and that's why I replaced the existing 2' non-reef-ready with a proper RR 2' cube. Gets rid of the scum build up that was driving me crazy and allows me to plumb it into the other cube's sump, which halves the number of skimmers, media reactors, return pumps, etc. Now I have one Deltec recirc skimmer, one Jebao DC6000 return pump and will set up a second and third media reactor (daisy-chained) to deal with both cubes. Saves me not just equipment but also electricity.

I have a phosban reactor going right now, but will add one for Hydroton (bio-media) and maybe carbon (or Chemipure). I need to add some carbon/Chemipure/purigen into the system because I have special ordered a medium sized long-horn cowfish from Oceanic for the 2' cube. If it decides to nibble on anything, I can simply move the clam/featherdusters/corals into the 30" cube instead.

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