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Old 01-15-2014, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Reef Pilot View Post
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I use about 20 ml a week of MB7 in my 230g system (may be less than what Brightwell recommends). And I bought my last 2L bottle from J&L at their boxing day sale (15 0r 20% discount). I just checked, and still have about 1/2 left (keep it in the fridge). I started this bottle last Feb. So that means it costs me about $20 a year. For me, that is indeed cheap to stay cyano free, and all the other benefits that it provides.

And sorry for seeming to put down academic discussions. I find them very interesting too, and often learn something. But I also wanted to give my real experience with cyano problems I had in the past and how I conquered them. As I said, I have not had a single outbreak since I started using MB7. And a few times (not in the last year or more) when it tried to start up again, I just dosed MB7 heavily for a couple weeks, and it quickly disappeared. Interestingly that happened during a summer when I was away a lot and not able to dose MB7 regularly. While that may not be a scientific test, it was enough to convince me that it worked.

I am sure there may be other ways to lick cyano, but that is what worked for me.

So Im treating my stupid eggcrate for cyno. How does that happen? I dont have any until I sit all my frags on eggcrate?

Couple questions. Can cyno be transferred from other corals, frags, added?

Im ordering some MB7, as per the posts here. Would that mean my Prodibio is not used then. I assume its along the same lines.

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