I only run my A8 at about 30% over my 36" tank. Its not as high as some people hang their lights either. I imagine I could get a larger spread if I lifted the light up higher, and would still have lots of power to turn the lights up higher.
I started it at 5-10% then slowly turned both colours up... then kinda forgot about doing that, and its been left at 30% ever since (been up over a year now) and since everything growing like weeds on steroids I feel no need to turn it up any higher.
My colour selection is posted on page 2 or 3 of this topic...
I picked them because that's what
"I" wanted.
The only algae I have overgrowing in my tank is bubble... and coralline :|
This is one of the pics I took last year with the blues hiked to 100%, whites off, probably wrong camera settings.