So I pulled an all-nighter to get the tank setups finished and to transfer in all my livestock, live rock and newly washed sand bed (was outside in shorts & t-shirt washing sand with my garden hose at 4 in the morning)

First pics of newly set up reef -
93g Starfire RR semi-cube (30" x 30" x 24")
Black stand with 2x10 "lift"
Custom DIY LED with 10w emitters (3 blues - 445nm & 460nm) & 3 whites (6500k; 10000k; 20000k) and a single center 1w blue LED moonlight. Its got built in timers and dimmer switches on each pendant controlling blues & whites separately.
Pic of 93g cube from the livingroom side
2' RR cube
These are pics taken on Thursday morning shortly after setup was completed. Started the teardown and new builds Wednesday afternoon. Finally got to sleep around 10:30 am Thursday.