Thread: Acclimation
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Old 01-13-2014, 07:06 PM
Koleswrath Koleswrath is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 60
Koleswrath is on a distinguished road

I just lost a $150 Mad Jelly order by dripping. I'm guessing my house is too cold and I was dripping too slowly to keep the drip bucket temp up.

The irony of this is that I've always just floated the bag, added a cup of tank water, wait, repeat, etc. but I decided to drip this order because it was my largest purchase to date and I wanted to be "extra careful".
Never had a problem with floating the bag.

I'm surprised to see there are more than a few other people who have had bad luck with dripping too as it's recommended everywhere. Makes me feel a bit better about it. But just a bit.

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