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Old 01-12-2014, 06:36 PM
JCharles JCharles is offline
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Some funny stuff in here, not really worth responding to, but I'll take a few minutes. The pair will indeed stop breeding when I ship them, just like they stopped breeding when I moved their anemone, and then they will be back in action in about a month.

As far as finding $99 black ice for a breeding project. Enjoy your 1-2 year wait while the female gets old enough to breed, I'm sure it will be free to run the tank that long. Also, everybody knows that you can just put any two clownfish together and they will definitely breed for you immediately, there is absolutely no chance that they will fight, not pair up, never breed

This forum is rough, 4 designer fish, including a breeding pair for $1000 shipped and I'm still taking ****, amazing.
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