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Old 01-10-2014, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by AquaticExpressions View Post
Your first one can you take a pic with day lights?
Your purple hornets are African blue steels your mean greens I believe go under another name and your reds I believe are supermans or deep water reds, which essentially the same. Beautiful z's and p's is the skirt on your rasta green or yellow because I believe your rasta is actually an ultra rasta.
the purple hornets are indeed purple hornets complete with alternating skirt and all. I ALSO have african blue steel zoas and they look totally different. The "reds" are deepwater reds, And the rastas are indeed ultras (good eye!) Here is a daylight picture of the first ones
120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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