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Old 01-10-2014, 12:12 AM
strauss strauss is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Calgary
Posts: 50
strauss is on a distinguished road
Default update

Here are additions to the order which will be emailed to J and L tomorrow morning and verified then finalized and shipped Monday or Tuesday.

Hfp75(live): dry:
-Sexy Shrimp x4 - Solid Stirrup API N03 test kit
-Red Star (Small) -RowaPhos 500 ml
-Nassarius Snails x6 - Tongan -Seachem Prime 500ml
-Turbo Snails x2 -Seachem Phosguard 1L
-Margarita Snails x4 -Feeding Rings (with suction cup) x2
-Cleaner Wrasse
-Lubbocks Wrasse
-Macro Algae - Red Dragons Breath

If J and L is missing anything I will notify whoever ordered the item asap and find a replacement if possible.
Thanks everyone.

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