When I went from my 55 to 180 plus 87 gl sump, I ran the RO directly into the tank. I didn't have any water storage at the time. I just let the RO unit run for the 2-3 days it needed to fill, then added salt to the tank. I didn't use any live sand and most of my rock was purchased in advance of setting up so was dry and dead. Once the salinity & temp were good, I added some rock and sand from my 55 and let the tank cycle before transferring the livestock.
OR go get some Brute cans for the water and premix the salt before adding to the tank. Really depends on what you have available, what you are adding to the new tank (new sand, new rock) etc which I believe will determine when you transfer the old system. I found after the transfer, my tank acted like a new set up for the first 6-9 months and went through the typical algae, cyano blooms.
Some however can set up a tank in a day and not see any difference from old to new....so do what you think works best for you!
And of course you should start a build thread!!!