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Old 01-08-2014, 06:13 PM
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gqlmao gqlmao is offline
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When I do a transfer, I usually have enough room to keep both tanks running at once. If you have this opinion it would be nice. Then I would fill the new tank with all new water, you can leech some of your old water but I never do. Then I would get the temperature, salinity, and if you have sensitive corals try to match hardness and calcium and magnesium if it is feasible. Once everything is running correctly, then I would move all the existing live rock and inhabitants at once, the rock doesn't stay in the air for longer than a minute to reduce die off. If everything goes well, you might not even have a noticeable cycle. Like Madreefer says its not as bad as some people make it out to be if you are quick and able to provide consistency.

For your case it might be different, if you have new uncured rock to cure I would not move anything yet. I would dump the new rocks into the tank and let them do their thing and cycle. Once the cycle is completed and you have stable parameters, you can slowly move your rock over in a course of a week or two and then live stock.

Last edited by gqlmao; 01-08-2014 at 06:16 PM.
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