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Old 01-07-2014, 05:28 AM
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neoh neoh is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Ladner
Posts: 375
neoh is on a distinguished road

Lately I've been trying to slowly raise the intensity of my LED's to try and make approximately 100 PAR at the sand bed. (25" from the lights) - and it's been a slow process. Last night I added 5% across the board and noticed some slight bleaching, so I turned the lights back to 75% and I think I may leave it there.

I haven't had great polyp extension from any of my corals, despite the fact that I maintain under 10ppm of nitrates, and my phosphates are non detectable (elos phosphate test.) though I thought that was the culprit - it appears it is not.

I got some advice from another member the other day about my alkalinity and pH being low - as it currently maintains at around 7.6 at night - 8.1 during the day. Being as it swings so much - we attributed it to my fuge light being on 24/7. Since I changed it to the same time as the lights being on full strength, we'll see how things go.

I have also been battling a hair algae problem. Though it only seems to be on the right side of the tank. I've been scrubbing it off every night with a toothbrush, but it seems to be coming back. I'm just going to have to be patient with it I think.
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