Originally Posted by stephengammage
Here is what i do and recommend to everyone worked for me and 5 of my friends and only took a day or 2 longest being a week. In nature they are taught by their parents how to keep safe. Therefore are taught, tank raised clown do not go through this stage let alone even see an anemone till is sold and in your tank i replicate this by putting a loop video of same breed of clown and same breed of anemone as yours i also have been told by a highly reputable LFS store owner is how he has done it for 10 years and been backed by a professor of icktheology (study of fish) that also confirmed it simulates the natural parenthood and is the best way. It is how he hosted both office and home clowns of his own all those people that laugh are probably ones who need to research more remember you will be laughing with an amazing sight everyday while others have theirs hosting unusual things been proven 5 times by me personally hundreds by LFS owner and a few by university professor hope everyone with a clown starts to do this and hope to hear your results are as good as all of ours
I'm not saying there isn't some learning that goes on through observation of conspecifics, but it's certainly not an intentional act by the parents. In the wild, clown fish parental care ceases completely once the eggs hatch. The little larvae wiggle out and dissipate on currents. By the time they go through the metamorphosis to become actual fish 7 to 9 days later, they are likely miles away from where they hatched. There are not many species of marine fish that care for their young beyond hatching (and most don't even go that far), and there are none (that I know of) that intentionally teach their offspring anything.