I've tried that, but this long in none of my sand is truly white anymore. The bulk of it has turned greyish the same way my Marco rocks have gone from blinding white to 'live rock grey', and about every 4th grain has gone purple from coralline. There are some white grains still in places that have been disturbed, but from the camera's perspective it all evens out to a solid grey. The best I've been able to do is to try to correct in photoshop after the fact because you can zoom right in an select one truly white pixel on one grain of sand. Sometimes it works and produces a 'true to life' output, and sometimes it produces an acid trip.
My roommate bought a waterproof lumix camera for her trip to Hawaii and it has settings specifically for different depth of water and I've found that one has taken the best images overall in terms of colours. iPhones... not so much.