Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Have kept various bristlemouth tangs with yellows in the past and usually not too big of an issue.
Yeah, I am surprised. It's evening now, and all is at peace in the tank. By the afternoon, both the Kole and Purple were picking away at algae, like they've been there all along. And the Melanurus is in pod heaven...
Maybe the Yellow Tang is getting mellow in his old age. Or being together with the Pearlscale for a few years wore out his aggression. That little Purple one is a real toughie, though. Wonder what he will be like when he gets bigger...
Now I have to buy another Bristletooth for my downstairs tank. My big Foxface there is going to get lonely with his buddy gone. I am thinking of a Chevron. Not sure if J&L or King Ed's ever get those ones in.