Let's step back for a minute here.....to be fair:
I think we (reefers with Golden Dwarfs) do inherently have a different environment than those with a true 'predator' setup.
In a relatively peaceful (reef) environment - our Dwarf Morays do not necessarily have to fight and compete with others for food.....hence; perhaps the lower aggression issues. Some of us hand feed them.
This can't be said for a 'predator' display where there may be in fighting and competition for food. Hence; the potential for increased aggression and lashing out for scraps. Since these eels by nature are physically small; they can easily by overcome by surrounding tankmates.
Secondly; it is true that whatever fits in its mouth is a potential target. I'm willing to sacrifice some clean up crew and even the odd shrimp. Keeping these eels are similar to keeping certain types of Trigger fish and Anemones - always keep in the back of your mind that your most prized fish regardless of value or sentiment may be sacrificed. Knowing this.....we still continue to keep them - they're beautiful.
Finally; as stated previously - from most hobbyists' experiences....they are fairly docile. It's just the luck of the draw. Each fish/eel will have their own personality; another cold hard truth.
I'll post some pics later if the OP would like.
Back to the topic at hand....let's find a Golden Dwarf Moray for the OP

Good luck!