Originally Posted by paddyob
As for the thread user ... Do you have any spaces that perhaps are cut around wires or pipes or something like that? Maybe they found a crack.
I forego eggcrate now and use a canopy about 8" tall. I have not lost a jumper since. Not even a wrasse in several years. Short of loss while doing maintenance. I failed to notice a jumper during extended maintenance. Oops.
I have cut outs for wires, but there's only enough room for the wires and still covers the eurobracing, gap is smaller than the actual eggcrate holes.
I haven't skinned my tank (top or bottom), but any that I've seen with a canopy do not seem to have jumpers, so this may be the plan for this year.

I do think they may have jumped when I feed. I have a 2'x2' piece that I move to feed them, that's really the only way I could see them escaping, unless they did actually fit through the holes.
Originally Posted by lastlight
My bet is on the cats. Which means your curious felines would have been in the tank had you been using screen top!
Our cat sits on top of my tank too, is up there as soon as I move the ec to feed. She loves watching them but she won't put her paws in the water. She did this before I added the cover, she just walked along the euro bracing.....