Originally Posted by pinkreef
I also had my solar and carpenter jump within a couple of days of each other in December. I found them on top of the glass cover. they got thru gaps in the deteriorating mesh on the back 4 inches of the tank where all the gear is.
I decided away with the glass top and just mesh in the area between the tank and the canopy. now more light gets in and no more fried fish.
Seems all you can do is add a cover to discourage them from jumping, but if they want out, they want out....sorry for your loss.
Originally Posted by Doug
Ya sucks. It was an active beautiful fish. Was looking forward to putting it in the larger tank, plus a leopard.
But no more more for me. Will find different fishies.
My yellow stays closer to the middle/bottom of the tank - they are beautiful!!! My blue sided wrasse's fins are
always above the water, I keep an eye on him when I feed....I won't be adding more wrasses, I've lost count of how many have carpet surfed on me....will move to anthia's I think, they school and are just as pretty!
Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Just found my red/orange wrasse (not sure what species) on the carpet yesterday afternoon too. They jump through small gaps in the glass top. Arrrrrgggg!!!!
Sorry for your loss