Originally Posted by asylumdown
I have to assume that those two changes, both on the glass, and in the skimmer, are bacterial biofilms. I've never had them before, and they's so obviously different from what I'm used to seeing in my tank I have to conclude they're coming from the heavy dosing of MB7, as other than the killing the cyano that's the only thing I've changed. There's obviously something living in what I'm dosing. It's kind of a PITA (it took me over 10 minutes to clean the skimmer cup last night when it normally only takes 3), so I'm hoping it stops happening once I go down to the normal 'maintenance' dose of MB7 (which should be soon, I didn't actually note the date when I started. Oops).
Hmmm, have never seen that. Having said that, I haven't used the heavier dosage for a couple years now. But I would cut back the amount now and go to the low nutrient dosage, and then later half that again. Sounds like you have some kind of extra bio activity happening, though.