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Old 01-01-2014, 08:07 PM
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Dez Dez is offline
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 1,793
Dez is on a distinguished road

If I could keep it at the 2010 year forever it would be nice, but then I'd get bored with it cause there's no change. I had the most variety then and the most colours. 2011 and 2012 were just crazy - I was giving so many colonies away cause they were too big causing the stuff under them to brown due to lack of light. It was tough to give away some of the more colourful corals. Those years were way too much work cause I was constantly removing corals so that the whole system wouldn't crash and become one big block of corals. 2013 was nice cause I freed up so much room, allowing corals to get big and take on their natural snap. I finally got the concept of "negative" space. I only have 20 or so colonies now but am perfectly happy cause they are HUGE and it's satisfying knowing that I grew my tank all from 1" frags. Definitely a great journey to be on.
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