Ok I found the problem. The 90° fitting going into the RO canister is not allowing water to pass. There is a small metal valve built into the fitting that remains closed. If I push on the metal disc at the bottom of the fitting it will open and then allows water to flow. With water pressure on the fitting the small metal valve remains closed. It seems like if there was pressure inside the RO canister that the inside pressure might open the valve allowing the water to flow, but how do you get pressure inside the canister if the valve is closed. Is this small valve required? What if I replaced the fitting with another fitting without a valve?
I have attached a couple pictures.

75 Gal. display with 40 Gal sump - Dual 1.5" drains, Aragonite sugar sand substrate, SWC Extreme 250 Cone Protein Skimmer, 1800L return pump, 4 AI SOL LED Lights, 250 ml pellets in a recirculating bio-pellet reactor, BRS Doser pumps for Calc & Alk, Tunze Osmolator Auto Topoff system connected Vertex Puratek RO/DI.