Thread: Need ich advice
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Old 01-01-2014, 05:19 AM
halwake halwake is offline
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halwake is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mark View Post
Had some ick 6-7 years ago and really didn't do anything other than kept everyone well fed and stress free (didn't try to catch to put in QT etc). Cleared up on it's own and haven't seen since. Didn't do garlic but read it helps.
Have to agree, same thing happened with my tank quite some time ago. Fish had a few specks and eventually cleared up on its own. No fish was ever severely infested or appeared stressed. Make sure everyone is eating good and keep water quality good. I would not add anything else to your tank until it is 100% gone for some time, and QT new arrivals. Did have a couple cleaner shrimp in the tank and the fish that was showing signs would visit them here and there then eventually not need to. I have had it happen some time before this and I panicked, pulled everyone out into a QT to treat and ended up losing a bunch of livestock. If its not to bad and they are not stressed, and are eating I would wait and let it run its course assuming its ich. Velvet you may have to pull them out and treat, infects fish more quickly and is usually much more serious.

Just my 2 cents based on past experience.
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