Originally Posted by SteveCGY
I tried and they were slightly unhelpful. For starters modular led is NOT an approved dealer so to start things off they were not helpful second I was NOT giving a receipt from you. So I guess lesson learned do more research of the company your buying from.(NOTE to anyone still wanting to buy this light AQUARIUM ILLUSIONS in Edmonton IS an Approved dealer and will make your life a lot easier). Also if I do manage to get a receipt they want me to ship my product which I need on my own buck back to them and they will "look" at it and fix or replace it "if" they can. Overall NOT impressed with ecoxotic or modular led. PLEASE people DO NOT go through the headache I am.
Sorry I have to correct you because that is false information.
1. We are an approved dealer for Ecoxotic AND infact we are the Ecoxotic distributor for Canada.
2. I did send you a receipt in the form of a PayPal invoice if you need me to resend it I can.
3. We handle all of the warranty claims for Ecoxotic in Canada and they have never asked a customer to ship products back in the 2 years we have been the distributor. They pass the approved warranty to us and we send out the parts.
If you like I can give you Angel Sinatra's email. She oversees warranty for Ecoxitic