I value the input many of the experienced reefers have because lets face it they have been there and done that they know what works and what doesn't work and what fixes to potential fatal issues that may kill your tank.
I listen and I learn
But there is also a flip side to the coin with experience many people tend to stay with what they know and there is nothing wrong with that but it can leave the older more experienced reefers/FOWLERs very resistant to change and will argue as to why such and such a thing is a bad idea or why it won't work. New things pop up all the time in the hobby and change can be one of the hardest things to do.
I often find New SW hobbyists are jumping literally blindly into the hobby with little or no clue as to what they are doing and it can be frustrating even for me because they did no research or have no understanding of SW fish/coral basics and then watch as their tank dies for no good reason at all. Unfortunately this is happening a lot these days because it is more affordable now. I spend a lot of my time at the LFS and on some forums convincing people to not get in the hobby unless your serious and dedicated about it. Setting up is the expensive but easy part, maintaining and caring for your tank is the hard part and unless you know what your getting into its not worth spending the money.
This is a very rewarding hobby but it is also a hobby that can literally tear you apart
Forgot about the internet which has made it easier to look up and research stuff but it comes with a huge caveat not everything you read is the truth or even real but in todays fast paced society almost anything put online is taken as factual and few people actually doing the leg work to see if it is true or not
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....
Last edited by Dearth; 12-28-2013 at 06:22 PM.
Reason: forgetful in my old age