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Old 12-28-2013, 01:35 PM
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Cal_stir Cal_stir is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Corunna, On.
Posts: 647
Cal_stir is on a distinguished road

I had 2 systems, both established and doing well, decided to experiment with one system, built a recirculating bio pellet reactor, ran BRS pellets with the effluent aimed directly into my skimmer intake, followed BRS recommendations on the amount of pellets. After @ a week I noticed some hair algae, I tried increasing the flow, after @ a month the hair algae was a plague, I removed the pellets, increased my gfo and carbon, tried removing the algae physically, increased water changes, even tried algaefix, now I have 1 system, no pellets and no algae, no problems.
Crap happens, that's why they sell toilet paper in 48 roll packs!
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