I've been in this hobby/job/money pit for 2 years now that includes the research before stepping into and buying, learning the basics and perusing various forums and have learned and observed several things in my short time in the SW world.
1) SW is no longer for those with deep pockets it is becoming more affordable and smaller tanks are becoming more the norm over bigger tanks
2) With the increase in the popularity of the hobby it has brought to the forefront more of conservation of the oceans however on the other hand because the hobby is popular right now there is an increased demand for fish/coral/inverts causing more problems in the wild
3) Technology is better and cheaper and easier to buy now than it once was making the hobby somewhat more affordable
4) tank styles are become more and more varied and often only limited by your imagination
5) On many forums there is a perceived line drawn in the sand with old school reefers who led the way in innovation in modern reefing on one side and new school reefers with new fresh ideas on the other side. This has led to heated debates on all forums about what is better
6) Liverock/dead rock is no longer the only option as there are many man made rock formations out there that is easier to work with and is considerably lighter and the added bonus of no unwanted hitch hikers
Agree/disagree other views or observations welcome
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....