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Old 12-22-2013, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post

Be prepared, those little guys turn in to giant food vacuuming machines! 50% of the food that goes in my tank is specifically for my cowfish, and he's still always hungry. If I don't give him his morning clams (yes, plural) on time, he'll take it out on me by munching on the tips of my favourite acro colony.

They also LOVE nori once they figure out they can eat it.

best advice I can give you, they bigger they get, the bigger they seem to prefer their food. Mine absolutely loves Ocean Nutrition's formula one gel cubes. He's the only fish in the tank that will eat it, so when he was small I used to cut a single cube in half when I fed frozen in the evening, but now that he's over 10 inches from horn to tail he'll eat an entire cube of it in 2 slurps.
Good to know. Thanks for all of the tips and tricks. I bought it pretty much as soon as he landed. It didn't eat for a couple of days but learned quickly. Already he's super curious. That's how I got the picture. I had my phone out and he came snooping so I snapped a picture of him with my phone. I don't ever do much with my tank so this guy is kind of exciting. I'm too scared of diseases to add any corals or fish to my tank. Knock on wood I think this guy was a perfect addition.
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