That was my trigger that scratched up my acrylic tank. That fish was crazy, however, swimming back and forth along the same spot endlessly. He would only stop this behavior to eat. Regardless, I have to polish the panels every year or so.
As for acrylic vs is just a tank size issue. Beyond a certain size, acrylic is a spite of its challenges. Big=thick. Even thick starfire glass imparts a green hue compared to acrylic. Btw, my tank is 1" acrylic, euro braced 6' x 4' x 28" and there is no panel bowing.
At what size does glass become unacceptable/unmanageable? Opinions vary. I think it happens around 300-400 gallons.
400 gal reef. Established April, 2007. 3 Sequence Dart, RM12-4 skimmer, 2 x OM4Ways, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown (pair), Blonde Naso Tang, Vlamingi Tang, Foxface Rabbit, Unicorn Tang, 2 Pakistani Butterflies and a few coral gobies
My Tank: