Thread: aiptaisa
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Old 12-20-2013, 05:01 PM
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What are the specs of your tank/current stock list? I personally would be hesitant to put a CBB in anything smaller than 90 or a maybe a 75, and they seem to get beat up on a lot by other families of fish. Acanthurus genus tangs seem to have a hate on for butterflies, for example. My CBB is the second longest resident of this tank, and when I added a PBT a few weeks ago, the first thing it did was try to kill the butterfly. They've worked it out now, but I'm sure it could have gotten ugly if I had added the fish in a different order.

Also CBB are notoriously difficult to acclimate. I had zero success with them when I was adding them directly to the tank. They're crappy food competitors in general, and I've never seen a CBB in a store that was not already dangerously under weight, so unless they're already aggressively recognizing what you feed as food when they go in they can easily starve to death before they figure the whole eating thing out. They're as robust as any fish when they're a healthy weight and established, but getting them there takes special care. I wouldn't buy one unless I had the means to train it and fatten it up separately before adding it to the display. That alone might be a reason to not get the CBB.

I've never kept a file fish so I can't speak to their care requirements at all.

On the upside, a healthy, eating, captivity adjusted CBB is easily sold if it doesn't work out for whatever reason, as is a filefish.
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