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Old 12-20-2013, 05:34 AM
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gregzz4 gregzz4 is offline
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gregzz4 will become famous soon enough

I really don't want to sell Goober, but I have to

I can't keep him in the QT forever so, if you're interested, you should pipe up now as I will take him into J&L this weekend

Don't be a farmerjon and tell me about what my price should be, or how many other clowns there are for sale on the site

The site rules cover this stuff so I think I was kinda polite with the farmerjon dude. Keep your pricing crap or other sales out of my thread

I am not negotiating my price

My clown is for sale for $30 or trade for Zoas
I'd rather it go to an established tank but he has to go .....

Last edited by gregzz4; 12-20-2013 at 05:47 AM.
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