Thread: Stand paint
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Old 12-19-2013, 10:58 PM
rival10 rival10 is offline
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A lot of oil paints have been discontinued to meet Canada's VOC (volatile organic compounds) regs. Kilz still has a good primer that is oil based and has a built in "stain blocker" to stop any of the tannins in the wood from bleeding through and discolouring your finish coats. Cloverdale has a similar product. For a finish coat you can use a paint product that is specifically formulated for bathrooms. As a painting contractor I would recommend Cloverdale, General Paint, or Benjamin Moore ($$$). Each will direct you to their product that has built in properties to resist mildew, etc. Foam rollers are great, but do not overwork the paint, or try a 5 mm sleeve. If you try one method of application and do not like it you can still give a light sand and use another method to finish. For sanding u can get medium to fine sponges to use between coats. Good luck with your project.
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