Originally Posted by The Grizz
I second that 1,000,000,000,000%, Im booked solid right up to xmas eve day & the wife has put her foot down & told me I am taking at least a week away from work if that is possible.
I don't think 2014 is going to be any better...seems like we are booming again, hard to get things done or have people respond to requests.....
On another note, had a weird dream last night that for some reason, all the water drained out of my tank and I found my fish in barely enough water to stay alive or flopping around on the floor. (so tank didn't explode). Threw them in my sump and random buckets in a mad panic, then used my new pump to bring water up from the basement. Got up this morning, checked the tank, all was good, just need top up water....hmmmmmm.....