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Old 12-18-2013, 07:55 PM
BackPackHunter BackPackHunter is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Red Deer
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BackPackHunter is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by BlueTang<3 View Post
Well nothing to update I bought a boat and spend the summer fishing ", now this winter stupid busy with work.

We had a bad year added one more fish into the tank and got a disease lost 30 of my fish I had for 5 years or so
We were gone on a fishing trip this summer and the power went out for a while I guess, lost all my corals except one clam I had so that sucked.

This morning I woke up and my 13 inch maxima we had for years is gone looked fine yesterday.

Still having algae issues in the tank cut back lighting doing lots of water changes and running zeo

Heard dead rock can leach for over 18 months well I am over 12 in now so here's hoping.

I will update once my Christmas presents arrive .

wow, im sorry to hear that....
Ive heard the same thing about the dry rock, & Ive been talking to a Florida company about a very large shipment of live rock & sand, fresh from the ocean. just waiting to hear back about the flight cost... hopping to have it in my hand for under $4 lb...

sorry for bringing back up a sad event ....
but with a new fish was it QT? what would have you done different?
Im just trying to learn from what happened as thats a very big tank to have that happen into.... my next tank is going to be the biggest Ive ever had, and after reading your thread im going to try to talk the wife into giving be 6' of the living room, then I could probably almost double the size of the tank i want...
My next tank is it, the last one... trying to do everything right even if it takes a long time to do...

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