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Old 12-17-2013, 04:35 AM
PFoster PFoster is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
Posts: 576
PFoster is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by mrhasan View Post
Amen to that!
LOL, yeah no need for that here!

We actually understand the chemistry we are talking about here.
Dont get me wrong, I am no RHF. I am def not a chemist!
But i did take more than enough chemistry in university to understand this basic reef chemistry and we have backed it up with years and years of experience.

We have actually run ALL of the methods we are talking about.
FULL Balling
Balling Light
2 Part (well technically 3 part, with the Mg)
Calcium reactors (single stage and double)
Kalk reactors
and just about every additive system and brand on the market.
Well maybe not all of em, now we can generally look at a product and we know what it is. I am sure anyone that has played around with bulk Ca will recognize the round Ca pellets used by many brands.

No webinar required either.
We sell the product we believe in.
Not "believe" in the products we sell!
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