I believe Krysztof is using the NaCL free salts from Fauna Marin.
I am not sure if its the "full" balling method, I would have to look back to see if he is using the Trace B set for his balling salts. Trace B are the trace elements for the Balling method that Fauna has been perfecting over the last like 10 years that they have had it on the market.
Fauna has had the NACL free salt mixes available on the market for years and years and years now. In fact they were distributed by someone on Canreef and hailed as the best of the best at that time!
But times change.
We no longer use undergravel trickle filters.
Most people anyways no longer use counter current skimmers driven by wooden air stones (although they do actually work well as i am sure anyone that has been around for long enough can attest to).
Sure these technologies worked at the time, but we have since found better ways to enjoy our hobby.
Dont get me wrong, I am not saying the Full balling Method from TMC doesnt work. I am sure it does.
But to post and say the 2 part and balling light are cut down version that will cause an ionic imbalance that will somehow cause harm is a complete pile of BS.
Fauna Has the Full Balling Method.
We have it in stock.
Including the NACL free salts.
It collects a LOT of dust though as pretty much everyone has switch to the Balling Light method. Read in the thread on the zeo forums, multiple people posted on there outlining how most people use the Balling Light method.
And TONS of people have achieved amazing results with the Bulk additives and using the 2 part method.
Bulk additives are not my preference but lots of people have good results!
If either of these system created some type of problem I am pretty sure with the thousands and thousands of people using them we would have heard about it by now.
Any of these methods are just tools in a tool box.
If you want a nice tank the biggest thing is how you use them!!!
At RW we use the Fauna Marin Balling Light system.
And we feel we have PERSONALLY achieved pretty good results with it!
Here is a pic of a pretty sweet sps in our system: