Well I woke up to two dead chromis due to another (possibly 3rd till now!) ich breakdown. Don't really know what happened since everyone was fine and eating like pigs and I fed them what many would say "extremely" generously. Even I used occasional selcon. Really ****ed me off this time.
Anyway, this boxing day, I am getting QT tank setup (and the ATI dimmable fixture

). Would love to get some idea about how reefers run QT. Permanent qt or temporary qt? I will probably run permanent since I will keep on adding fishes every two months till the tank is stocked.
Worked really hard to get the tank to the point of being "sterile of ich" and I was kinda of happy when I saw no ich outbreak when my 1st clownfish was got to the point of no eating and died. Added a 2nd clownfish which was healthy and was in the LFS for a really long time and it was perfectly all right but I started noticing white spots on chromis and the trigger (initially through they were just dusts because of the places they sleep) and now the outbreak.