Thread: Scoly problem!!
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Old 12-16-2013, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by MitchM View Post
The rate of deterioration, mainly. Years ago I may have lost a large LPS in a similar manner. I don't remember exactly.

I only know of Wheelman's tank based on these pictures, but I see that he has a fairly coarse substrate.
Maybe the coral was rocking back and forth with water movement which irritated the flesh that wrapped under the skeleton. That flesh decayed, bristle worms started eating and wound up eating the coral from the inside out.
Maybe that's why we're seeing holes in the flesh even though it's in a protective cage.
Maybe it's a predatory worm, too.
That could be possible , I'm using caribsea seafloor special grade , this tank has been set up for two months and was transferred from my 90 which had sugar fine sand which was a much finer sand.

The scoly is not looking good , the holes are getting bigger and the skin is just falling off now.
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